Sunday, December 13, 2020

Jordan Palmer on Texas lawsuit; states suing each other. U.S. Supreme Court ruling

DECEMBER 11, 2020 -
Texas claims its voters’ constitutional rights are being violated by the election-rule changes in the other four states. Legally, citizens do NOT elect the president of our Union; the several States do. Had the #SCOTUS heard this case, any State could have sued for laws they don't like. This would have been a pandora's box; for example, if #California didn't like the #abortion limits in #Kentucky, they could have sued Kentucky to permit partial-birth abortions, etc. Can you imagine a state suing another state for its legalization of cannabis? 

What the U.S. Supreme Court is saying here is that we are a #Union of many sovereign States, and it is NOT the business nor the place of other #States to decide what is and is not legal in that State, such as expanded voting, who may vote, what can revoke your right to vote, gun control, trespassing laws, criminal codes, etc. you cannot open a legal door without accepting the flood gates it opens. Plus, no one has proven that any fraud occurred, and if it did, what about States that Trump won? What if California decided to sue Texas, etc., because they didn't like the way Texas citizens voted? 

The only "fraud" is conjecture, not proof, and if it occurred in one State, it occurred in all of them. 

Look at the Fifth Amendment; it says to the federal government that "no one shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." Did you catch that? It says no ONE. It does NOT say "no citizen," which is why the deportation of illegal aliens has been halted. 

We will not have a civil war because a former reality TV star claims afraid and websites in #China, #Russia, and #Iran are playing us against each other. I dislike this two-party system. But there is nothing stopping anyone from starting another political part (most other States have them).

### END ###

Jordan Palmer statement.