Thursday, March 1, 2018

Kentucky's War on Drug Addiction

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"More police 🚔. More jails 👮. 😂 The joke is on us. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Drug abuse is a mental health issue, not a criminal one. 💊💉 People turn to drugs not because they want to be addicts, but because something is horribly wrong and they simply don’t wish to feel it anymore. 🤔😞 I’ve never met an addict who on career day at school “dreamed” of being an addict like U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan “dreamed” of taking #Medicare and #Medicaid from citizens. ⚠️😡
Putting drug addicts in jail is like putting people who have an illness and need medical care in jail and simply ignoring the underlying problem. But why not? We’ve been doing it this long and we never change anything here unless ordered to do so by the Kentucky Supreme Court or the Supreme Court of the United States. Sadly, that is how progress is made here." - Jordan Palmer

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Trump should listen to a true war hero, Senator John McCain

When a TRUE war HERO like U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) or a longtime conservative like U.S. Senator  Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) criticize this sudden and ill-conceived decision towards Transgender soldiers, you have to scratch your head.

Also, when Trump said "my generals," our military is not the private property of the temporary occupant of the Oval Office

But, everything else Trump has tried to do has failed miserably so now he is taking cheap shots in desperation but playing with people's lives and careers not to mention breaking additional campaign promises. #Trans #WeAreKY - Jordan Palmer