Thursday, July 31, 2014

Col. Jordan Palmer says to make it epic

When everything is said and done, the only thing to do is move forward in a positive direction. Surround yourself with positive energy and make the moves you need to be happy. People are going to take the role of God into their own hands and judge you anyway, so make it epic..... make it worth gossiping about.

History has shown that I typically take the path of most resistance, but I never bent my knee to injustice, ran from someone in need, or gave a second thought as to how others would judge me.

Even when I bite off more than I could chew, I took the blows and continued forward. Make sure you are strong enough to do the same, and remember, life is only rewarding when you realize your true potential and the beautify of your own dreams. So again, make it epic!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Personal message from Jordan Palmer

This past week has literally drained every ounce of energy I have on a daily basis. Each has been demanding both mentally and physically. I wish I could respond to all of your emails individually, but I simply do not currently have the time (but I will). In the interim, I pray you will accept this as my gratitude and love to all of you.

I will continue to use every ounce of time and energy to accomplish my goals. However, I would not be able to do this without your support and I have no way to repay it, except with love, loyalty, humility, and eternal gratitude. I will find the time eventually to respond to all of you, I never forget anything. You all bring something special to my life, I hope I add something special to yours as well.