Sunday, August 30, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015

Our differences

We are all basically the same, but our differences make us susceptible to definition rather than our similarities because "people see what they want to see." Release the rights and the wrongs of your life; forgive yourself and forgive others.... never permit yourself to follow the impulses of fear, anger, or revenue. Be with me, your friends, your family, etc. in the present moment..... once it has passed, it will never come again. Always remember that your life is limited, so make the best of it.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Jordan Palmer visits the Kentucky Democratic Party Headquarters

To demonstrate the limitations of human knowledge, logic, and reasoning, sometimes to make your point, you must turn everything upside down and carry arguments to pure absurdity. I don't understand why people continue to be amazed with my ability to do exactly that, but the smart ones have come to expect it of me.